On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 10:28:43AM -0600, Bo Peng wrote:
> > You ask for \alpha in text mode and get the same result as entering \alpha
> > in ERT in text mode.
> I have expressed my opinion before

So did I ;-)

> What makes a fix reasonable is that lyx 1.2 gracefully allows users to 
> enter \alpha,\sum etc without worrying about text or math mode and we 
> are spoiled!

You could try again to explain how this should be handled in a
easy-to-understandi (for me and the users...) one-size-fits-all manner.

I could disallow direct entering of \alpha in math text mode but apart from
not liking that idea there is no simple way to extend this to "conversion"
(mark something, press C-m). 

> Put this to an extreme, whatever users can enter into lyx 'normally' 
> through keyboard, menu, (preamble, ERT do not count here), they should 
> not expect compiling errors. Is this reasonable?

Sure. But math is not normal ;-) Not in LyX, not even in TeX...

> There is another similar example we have discussed before, user opens a
> new document, insert math-case, compiling error!

I would switch AMS on by default, that would "cure" the problem.
But that drew too much flak a while ago...

> If you are not going to fix this problem, would you at least warn the
> users in whatsnew.txt? (I doubt how many people will read it though.)

Never heard such a thing exists...


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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