[posted and mailed]

[posted and mailed]

Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> vsharma wrote:
>> I tried the directions on the said page.
>> When using cmd prompt It doesnot recognise lyx as a programme or a
>> batchfile. When using Cygwin bash shell it cannot open a lyx file and
>> says could not access x windows
> Start your x server first? I have no idea about the murky windows
> world, so I'm not the right person to ask.

Indeed, that's the problem.  Since Vivek uses startlyx.bat, the path of 
least resistance may be as follows:

1.  Start LyX the usual way (with startlyx.bat), which also starts the X 

2.  Stop LyX using the File | Exit menu option, but *leave the X server 

3.  Open a shell (bash) window and enter the commands from the web page.
Note:  On my installation, at least, the startlyx batch file opens an 
xterm window, but the paths seem to be screwed up -- it can't find LyX.  
Being too lazy to fix that, I just killed it, opened a bash window (by 
running cygwin.bat), and did everything there.  In order to make that 
work, there are a couple of extra steps.  Either immediately before or 
immediately after entering the FILE= line (but definitely before calling 
lyx), you have to enter the following two lines:

export DISPLAY

Then proceed as in the web page.

4.  I believe there is a missing closing quote on the web page, in the 
last command (which I presume belongs after $FILE and before >).

FWIW, I tried the commands on the web page (substituting my login name 
for "jean").  LyX started ok, but the file never loaded.  On Claus 
Hentschel's web page, I'm pretty sure he notes that commands requiring 
pipes don't work on the Windows port.  (Pipes on Windows are an 
adventure.) (Like everything else on Windows.)  After shutting down LyX, 
the X server and the bash shell, I looked in ~/.lyx.  The lyxpipe.in file 
was there, and it contained the file-open command but not the hello 
command (which I assume means that lyx had picked that command up from 
the pipe).

-- Paul

Paul A. Rubin                                  Phone:    (517) 432-3509
Department of Management                       Fax:      (517) 432-1111
The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management    E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michigan State University                      http://www.msu.edu/~rubin/
East Lansing, MI  48824-1122  (USA)
Mathematicians are like Frenchmen:  whenever you say something to them,
they translate it into their own language, and at once it is something
entirely different.                                    J. W. v. GOETHE

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