[posted and mailed]

Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>> Dear Paul
>> we are nearly there but not quite.
>> I did as above and see a new file created: c:\cygwin\home\Default
>> User\.lyx\lyxpipe.in
> I don't think you are there at all. Either your OS supports pipes or
> it does not. Pipes are not files. They are a part of main memory made
> visible to the user who can manipulate their contents *as if* they
> were a file. 

Pipes apparently don't work in Cygwin.  Citing Claus Hentschel's page:

> LyX-Pipes on Unix can be used to let external programs communicate with a 
running LyX application. Those LyX-Pipes are based on FIFOs, an 
interprocess communication mechanism which is not implemented in CygWin.

-- Paul

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