> Dear Paul
> we are nearly there but not quite.
> I did as above and see a new file created: c:\cygwin\home\Default
> User\.lyx\lyxpipe.in

I don't think you are there at all. Either your OS supports pipes or it 
does not. Pipes are not files. They are a part of main memory made visible 
to the user who can manipulate their contents *as if* they were a file.

$ echo "stuff" > target
will result in "target" containing "stuff". If "target" is a plain file 
then that's all you've done and all you can do. Not very useful. If 
"target" is actually a pipe, then something else connected to it will be 
able to grab this information.

So, if you have performed the test I described and found that LyX does not 
respond, then there is nothing you can do about it other than wait for us 
to scrap the current implementation and use sockets instead.

This is no big deal IMO, at least for your use. LyX already has Bibtex 
support. Use jbibtexmanager to manipulate your database but use LyX to 
manipulate your document.


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