[posted and mailed]

Soren O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>>> I get:
>>> dvi2ps: FATAL-- can't find DVI file "6499i.dvi"
>>> Does this make any sense to you ?!?
>> Well, the good news is that dvi2ps seems to be executing.  There
>> might be some kind of problem with the path to the dvi file.  What
>> happens if you try to export a file from LyX as Postscript?  Do you
>> get an error message?
>> LyX should create a temporary directory, output a TeX file to that
>> directory, run latex against it (so that the DVI file is in the temp
>> directory), then run dvi2ps against that DVI file and write the PS
>> file to the directory containing the original LyX document.  The same
>> should happen with the printer (other than not writing PS file to
>> disk). Another thing to try is to print a document and then, without
>> closing the LyX document, look in the temporary directory and see if
>> a DVI file was written there (and whether its name matches the one in
>> the error message).
> No exporting (from lyx) to postscript fails: Cannot convert file.
> Error while executing dvi2ps -t a4

I'm not sure, but I think that message is consistent with inability to 
find (or open) the DVI file.

Start LyX, open a document, either print it or try to export it to PS, 
then (without closing LyX or the document) check the temp directory LyX 
is using for that document.  Is the DVI file there?  If so, what's its 
name?  If not, is there a .tex file there?

One other thing:  does the log file indicate that latex.exe was able to 
process the source file ok?  (If latex.exe didn't produce a DVI file, 
that would explain things.)

-- Paul

Paul A. Rubin                                  Phone:    (517) 432-3509
Department of Management                       Fax:      (517) 432-1111
The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management    E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michigan State University                      http://www.msu.edu/~rubin/
East Lansing, MI  48824-1122  (USA)
Mathematicians are like Frenchmen:  whenever you say something to them,
they translate it into their own language, and at once it is something
entirely different.                                    J. W. v. GOETHE

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