Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> [posted and mailed]
> Soren O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>> Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>>> Start LyX, open a document, either print it or try to export it to
>>> PS, then (without closing LyX or the document) check the temp
>>> directory LyX is using for that document.  Is the DVI file there?  If
>>> so, what's its name?  If not, is there a .tex file there?
>> I find a directory in /tmp called lyc_tmpdir****/lyx_tmpbuf0/
>> Before printing its empty. After trying to print it contains:
>> protocol_0.2.aux  protocol_0.2.blg  protocol_0.2.log
>> protocol_0.2.tex.dep protocol_0.2.bbl  protocol_0.2.dvi
>> protocol_0.2.tex
>> (my document is called protocol_0.2)
>> I can open up the DVI fine and it looks just fine...
> Ok, this seems to be narrowing the problem down somewhat.  We know that
> latex is running successfully, and that the DVI file exists where it
> should.  The problem apparently lies in the setup of the call to dvi2ps.
>>> One other thing:  does the log file indicate that latex.exe was able
>>> to process the source file ok?  (If latex.exe didn't produce a DVI
>>> file, that would explain things.)
>> Well it does seem to produce a DVI file alright, is it the path to my
>> printer which is set wrong ?
>> As mentioned in Lyx/Preferences/Printer, the Printer Command is set to
>> dvi2ps
>> I have tried to change it to lp, lp0, lpr and hp1300n (my printer
>> name) - no success ...
> I don't think it's the path to dvi2ps, because that appeared to run in an
> earlier test.  In a previous post, you said you got the following error
> message while trying to print:
>>> dvi2ps: FATAL-- can't find DVI file "6499i.dvi"
> I interpret that to mean that dvi2ps was started by LyX (which in
> particular means that LyX was able to find dvi2ps), but that it was given
> an incorrect name for the DVI file (or else was not given the correct
> path to the DVI file).
> At this point, I probably should ask what operating system you're using.
> The next two things I suggest are:
> 1.  In Edit | Preferences | Converters, make sure DVI->Postscript is set
> to dvi2ps -o $$o $$i.  Then repeat the experiment you did above, check
> the temporary directory (as above) to verify that the DVI file was
> written, and see if the Postscript file was written there.  Report back
> any error message you get.  I know you tried exporting once before, but
> I'm not sure it was the same file.  Use protocol_0.2 again, so that we
> know the document itself is not the source of any problems.
> 2.  If dvi2ps issues an I-can't-find-the-DVI-file error message again,
> then I suggest writing a script that will just echo its arguments to the
> screen, making that your converter, and repeating the experiment.  That
> will tell us what path and file name LyX is giving to dvi2ps.
> -- Paul

When I start LyX from the CLI, it creates a folder in /tmp called 
lyx_tmpdir173890IKUef which is empty.
When I open protocol_0.2, it creates a folder inside
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir173890IKUef which is empty.
When I try to print protocol_2, it creates the following 7 files:
protocol_0.2.aux  protocol_0.2.blg  protocol_0.2.log  protocol_0.2.tex.dep
protocol_0.2.bbl  protocol_0.2.dvi  protocol_0.2.tex
... thus far all is well (I guess...)

LyX preferences are set as :
Converters (DVI-Postscript): dv2ips -o $$o $$i 
                                (the letter o, not the digit 0)
Output/Printer: Printer name: hp1300n
                Adapt output (not ticked)
                Printer command: dvi2ps $$i
                The command options are as follows:
                -B      -A
                -pp     -C
                -c      -t landscape
                -r      -o
                .ps     -d
                lp      -T

Printing fra lyx fails however, with the following CLI output:
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2C 7.3.1)
The top-level auxiliary file: protocol_0.2.aux
The style file: /home/soren/Master_rehab/vancouver.bst
Database file #1: /home/soren/Master_rehab/referencer.bib

dvi2ps: FATAL-- can't find DVI file "17397i.dvi"

If I open protocol_0.2 in the DVI viewer it looks just fine, but trying to
print fails. The following is found in Document Info / External Programs:
Export: '/tmp/lyx_tmpdir173890IKUef/lyx_tmpbuf0/protocol_0.2.dvi' to

/bin/bash: line 1: dvips: command not found

If I goto the CLI and run: dvi2ps protocol_0.2.dvi ->
I get the following output: 
@(#)dvi2ps (j-version) 2.0j
Prescanning .No font file for ecrm1440 (mag 1000)
(use -d option to know the font file names tried)
No font file for ecsx2074 (mag 1000)
(use -d option to know the font file names tried)
.No font file for ecrm1095 (mag 1000)
(use -d option to know the font file names tried)
No font file for ecsx1440 (mag 1000)
(use -d option to know the font file names tried)
..No font file for cmsy10 (mag 1095)
(use -d option to know the font file names tried)
..No font file for ecsx1200 (mag 1000)
(use -d option to know the font file names tried)
Reading font info ......
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

... but it does create a file called
If i call: lp from the CLI, my printer spits out 9 empty pages...
(protocol_0.2 contains 9 pages - not empty though...)

Looking at the .ps file in a text editor, it looks like postscript alright.


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