Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> [posted and mailed]
> Soren O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>>>> I get:
>>>> dvi2ps: FATAL-- can't find DVI file "6499i.dvi"
>>>> Does this make any sense to you ?!?
>>> Well, the good news is that dvi2ps seems to be executing.  There
>>> might be some kind of problem with the path to the dvi file.  What
>>> happens if you try to export a file from LyX as Postscript?  Do you
>>> get an error message?
>>> LyX should create a temporary directory, output a TeX file to that
>>> directory, run latex against it (so that the DVI file is in the temp
>>> directory), then run dvi2ps against that DVI file and write the PS
>>> file to the directory containing the original LyX document.  The same
>>> should happen with the printer (other than not writing PS file to
>>> disk). Another thing to try is to print a document and then, without
>>> closing the LyX document, look in the temporary directory and see if
>>> a DVI file was written there (and whether its name matches the one in
>>> the error message).
>> No exporting (from lyx) to postscript fails: Cannot convert file.
>> Error while executing dvi2ps -t a4
> I'm not sure, but I think that message is consistent with inability to
> find (or open) the DVI file.
> Start LyX, open a document, either print it or try to export it to PS,
> then (without closing LyX or the document) check the temp directory LyX
> is using for that document.  Is the DVI file there?  If so, what's its
> name?  If not, is there a .tex file there?
> One other thing:  does the log file indicate that latex.exe was able to
> process the source file ok?  (If latex.exe didn't produce a DVI file,
> that would explain things.)

Just tried to print the DVI file from a DVI viewer and it complains that:

> -- Paul
> *************************************************************************
> Paul A. Rubin                                  Phone:    (517) 432-3509
> Department of Management                       Fax:      (517) 432-1111
> The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management    E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Michigan State University            
> East Lansing, MI  48824-1122  (USA)
> *************************************************************************
> Mathematicians are like Frenchmen:  whenever you say something to them,
> they translate it into their own language, and at once it is something
> entirely different.                                    J. W. v. GOETHE

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