I see, I suppose a problem with a missing Type1 font.
In this case _pdflatex_ uses the bitmapped one, but only when
it exists. In most cases a preceeding _latex_ run solves this
problem, it creates all fonts and saves them in the cache.

I ran latex before pdflatex but this doesn't help.
When executing pdflatex, MikTeX asks me if it should install an 'unknown' package. I said yes and it installed the rsfs package.
Now compiling of the doc works well.

> remember that a lot of people _print_ their doc and they do
> not want all these clickable or colored stuff ...

Thats why I painted all links black (except of the weblinks). So the user won't see in the printout that hyperref was used.

It would be great if you could propose a solution with \ifpdf. I'm not so close with LaTeX as you.

the easieast way is to use package ifpdf

\usepackage{ifpdf}% part of the hyperref bundle

Is the ifpdf-package always available when hyperref is installed?

Thanks for your tip, I changed the preamble to the following:
% provides missing characters,
% see note in chapter 'Character Tables'

\usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle
\ifpdf % if pdflatex is used

  % set fonts for nicer pdf view
  % the pages of the TOC are numbered roman
  % and a pdf-bookmark for the TOC is added
    \pagenumbering{arabic}      }
 % link all cross references and URLs in pdf output
 \usepackage[colorlinks=true, bookmarks, bookmarksnumbered,
 linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue, filecolor=blue,
 pdfpagelayout=OneColumn, pdfnewwindow=true,
 pdfstartview=XYZ, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels,
 pdfauthor={LyX Team},
 pdftitle={The LyX User's Guide},pdfsubject={LyX},

\else % if dvi or ps is produced

 % link all cross references and URLs in dvi output

 % the pages of the TOC are numbered roman
   \pagenumbering{arabic}       }

any objections?

And you should _always_ use latin modern fonts

I normally do, but as lmoderm is still under development,
I would discourage from using it as standard (e.g. \textcircled don't work with lmodern).
(For further information Boguslaw Jackowski informed me yesterday that after an 'excessively long break' he will continue to work on that fonts.)

tahnks Uwe

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