"Philip A. Viton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> If Ruurd is unable/unwilling to continue his very nice win32 port,
> then perhaps we ought to think about doing it ourselves?
> If so, then the question is, how? My feeling is that we might want to 
> consider going back to the system that runs under cygwin/x11. Reasons:
> the QT free version for win32 isn't being updated, so unlike the linux
> port, we would not be able to take advantage of qt improvements. 
> Also, recent editions of cygwin/x11 are much nicer to use than they
> were (based on playing around a bit with GNU TeXMacs): the application
> now appears in an individual window, rather than on a big x11 screen,
> so it looks more like a real win32 app (which of course it isn't).
> ------------------------
> Philip A. Viton
> City Planning, Ohio State University
> 190 W. 17th Ave,Columbus OH 43210

Hopefully this won't be necessary, given the news that Ruurd will be 
back.  For what it's worth, I switched from the Cygwin port to Ruurd's 
native port because I run a personal firewall on all my machines, and 
something about the (nonstop) LyX to X traffic would cause the firewall 
to get congested after a while.  On my office machine, I would get maybe 
a half hour of use tops, and then the firewall would be crawling so 
slowly that I would have to kill both LyX and the firewall and restart 
the firewall.  For some reason, this happened much less often on my 
laptop (which was running an older version of Windoze).

So I would like to stick to some non-X version if at all possible (even 
though I keep Cygwin around for other reasons).

-- Paul

Paul A. Rubin                                  Phone:    (517) 432-3509
Department of Management                       Fax:      (517) 432-1111
The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management    E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michigan State University                      http://www.msu.edu/~rubin/
East Lansing, MI  48824-1122  (USA)
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