-- Am Monday 06 April 2009 15:26:38 schrieben Sie:

I am sure there is somebody in the LyX community who uses Debian lenny and 
LyX1.6.2 who has ghostscript 8.64 running. Or is this ghostscript installable 
only under sid? I would very much need help on this issue.


> Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
> > Is there any other way to avoid the Ghostscript error I am getting?
> I don't know. What you see is an error in Ghostscript, but can also be
> caused by buggy libraries at your Linux installation. The only thing I can
> say for sure is that I don't get the error here with GS 8.64 on Windows.
> > Or is Debian sid safe to use?
> I don't know Debian. I only install the latest version of a package when I
> find bugs and am only on Windows.
> regards Uwe
(thanks, Uwe, and sorry for the error with the answer, which went to you 
instead of the group)

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