On 30.12.2009, at 01:57, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Petr Šimon wrote:
Currently the citation key can be made out of 'author', 'year', 'title' and optionally from separators like '_'. I will add another keyword, 'zotero'
that will create the cite key from unique identifier in zotero db.

yep, this was the main complaint in bug #6300. i expect two usecases -

* users who dont care a about citekeys and just want to externally push citations and need to keep bitex keys stable. for these zotero ID is the way.

* users who care about keys and need the stable bibtex keys too. for those the "customizable" citekey is the way. in this case is expecting users to
 be intelligent about the keys certainly in order.

Hey Petr,

Thanks for all the hard work on LyZ. I haven't checked out Zotero for a while; liked it a lot, but the integration with LyX was odd and it tended to corrupt my bibtex databases. However, with LyZ I will give it another try.

I just want to put emphasize the importance of customizable citation keys! Many of us work in collaborative environments with shared bibtex databases and specific "home grown" requirements on how the keys are made up. For instance, in our group this is: <author>:<two-digit-year>:<venue> (with <venue> being an abbreviation for the conference or journal the paper appeared.) In fact, in my group this it has always been the number one argument against bibtex frontend XYZ that it does not get the keys right.

Having said that, I would appreciate an even better configurability of the key generation. What I would really like is the option to enter an advanced formatting string to generate the keys, including besides the variables for author, year, etc. various formatting specifiers and conditionals, such as:
- number of digits (e.g., use only the two last digits of the year)
- upper case/lower vase (very important, unfortunately very few tools support this) - conditionals (e.g., @book entries do not have a <venue>; URLs do not have a year and the <venue> is 'site')
- ...

Another important point in which most, if not all, bibtex frontends fail miserably is the requirement to be "minimally invasive" on the bibtex database. Some collaborators still prefer editing the database with a text editor. What I expect from a good frontend is that it leaves all entries alone in the file that have not been modified in the current session, including formatting, LaTeX comment lines beginning with %, and so on. Basically, if I use your tool to add or edit an entry 'foobar' and update the bibtex file underneath, the the diff to the previous version of the bibtex file should contain only lines that are related to the 'foobar' entry.

Just my 2 items on the long-term wish list :-)


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