On 06/30/2011 12:11 PM, Matthias Hunstig wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul A. Rubin [mailto:ru...@msu.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 4:59 PM
>> We can try an experiment to see if
>> failed writes to the program directory might be the problem.
>> Log in as the limited rights user and open a command prompt in the LyX
>> 2.0 user directory (C:\Documents and Settings\<limited user
>> id>\Application Data\lyx20, if memory serves).  From that prompt, run
>> C:\Program Files\lyx20\Python\python.exe C:\Program
>> FIles\LyX2.0\Resources\configure.py
>> which should do the same thing that Tools > Reconfigure does, but with
>> file writes occurring in the local user directory (where the limited
>> user has full permissions).  Does that fix any problems with 2.0?  (If
>> so, you can do the same trick with 1.6.)
> That was good hint, thanks a lot.
> The command line in my case was:
> Z:\ntdata\Anwendungsdaten\LyX2.0> "C:\Program Files\lyx2.0\Python\python.exe" 
> "C:\Program Files\LyX2.0\Resources\configure.py"
> It took a lot longer (something like 10 minutes) than the normal reconfigure 
> does, but now I have my classes in the menu.
> For LyX 1.6.10 it was much faster (seconds only) and also solved the problem:
> Z:\ntdata\Anwendungsdaten\lyx16>"C:\Program Files\lyx2.0\Python\python.exe" 
> "C:\Program Files\LyX 1.6.10\Resources\configure.py"
> Let me add that z:, where my user files are, is a mapped network drive.
I wonder if this is the problem. Uwe, we have seen such problems before,


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