On Aug 2, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Ray Rashif wrote:

> On 2 August 2012 21:25, Liviu Andronic <landronim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Eric Weir <eew...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the reminder, Eberhard. But first I have to figure out how to 
>>> install latex2rtf?
>> I took a look at the project's SF page and it seems to me that they're
>> not providing binaries for Mac. If this is so, you may either compile
>> the converter from source (likely a big headache in itself), or use
>> Windows or Linux to proceed: On both latex2rtf can be easily
>> installed.
> If the softpedia binary doesn't cut it, set up Homebrew [1] and
> install the latex2rtf package/formula. You will probably also need to
> download XCode.
> Otherwise you can download XCode alone and just build latex2rtf
> manually. The make file should require no changes. Just go into the
> unzipped folder of the unix source archive and type 'make && sudo make
> install' from terminal. Homebrew (and similarly MacPorts and Fink)
> just automates all this stuff for you on a systemwide scale.

Thanks, Ray---and Liviu, too. Sorry, if I was given the link to latex2rtf I 
didn't realize It. Probably because I was assuming it was a script somewhere in 
the lyx package, or maybe in my tex/latex install, and that I just needed 
either to get it recognize by lyx or learn how to run it from the terminal. 

I've downloaded the source, and have located a discussion with pretty clear 
instructions of how to compile it. I'll be giving it a shot, but probably not 
till the weekend.

Thanks again,
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA

"I have a mind-set that says bipartisanship ought to consist of 
the Democrats coming to the Republican point of view."

- Richard Mourdock

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