To answer the question of what I envision doing with the Model 100…

The computer serves two purposes for me, the first being nostalgia. As I 
mentioned, the Model 100 was my second computer, and I sometimes just like to 
mess around and mentally time travel to my youth and the formative years in my 
tech journey. I also like to code a little and mess with hardware a little. I 
like to write simple programs in BASIC to teach myself things, and I’m learning 
Assembly Language on my CoCo.

I’m also a bit of a tinkerer and maker. I like to build circuits and robots and 
gadgets, mostly on the Arduino platform. I have recently begun assembling my 
own PCBs with old school EPROMS that plug into the CoCo cartridge slot and can 
run programs or hold data. I 3D print a lot of the non-electronic parts I use. 
All of that being said, I am somewhere between novice and competent in most of 
the things I’ve listed.

Now I have a few more simple questions to get me started…

1. Are there any recommended sources for a null modem cable? I would prefer the 
PC end to terminate in a USB plug, so I believe it will require a serial to usb 
converter somewhere. Also, any good online information and/or tutorials that 
walk through the null modem cable file transfer stuff?

2. Aside from this mailing list, are there any other good Discord servers, 
subreddits or forums that are active? I am already on the Slabtop Computer 
Discord server, so looking any others.

3. Is there a new/different OS available for the Model 100? Do you have to swap 
out the rom chip to do this?

Thanks in advance!

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