Hello Christian,

Christian Lohmaier skrev:
Hi Per, *,

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 9:07 PM, Per Eriksson<pereriks...@openoffice.org> wrote:
I of course want the Mac instructions to be there as well, and will be
copying the content from these pages in to the guide:


Are there any other pages that you think should be in the Building Guide?

No. I think there are already way too many build-instructions with way
too much duplication.

You are correct. They will after this work become a fourth of that number. Links to existing html pages with old and wrong information will be changed to the wiki.

I dislike what I see.

Why not taking the one guide that is there and point out what those
instructions are lacking/create pages to fill the missing parts.

Building OOo is not rocket science. In fact it is rather simple.
(compared to building mozilla for example). And even more so on Mac

Having a "book" on how to build OOo gives a wrong impression or is way
too broad to be useful as reference.

Think about the following:

We have new developers who need to find all the information related to building farily quickly and easily. We have new developers who would benefit a lot to see the similarities between the platforms in the building process. Some information about building is shared among platforms to some extent, e.g. general build requirements, tips and tricks, shared problems with configure etc. Having a clear navigation helps the new developer see where in the building process he is, and easily see the steps needed to complete Building OpenOffice.org. For the Windows platform etc. there are several ways of building the software, and the instructions in its most compact form seem to take up at least 5-6 pages.

These are some of my reasons for starting this. It has not got so much to do with the individual builds, but more about the new developer's perspective.

Thanks for your thoughts.


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