
Christian Lohmaier skrev:
Hi Per, *,

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Per
Eriksson<pereriks...@openoffice.org> wrote:
Think about the following:

We have new developers who need to find all the information related to
building farily quickly and easily.

Yes. I agree. But in my eyes that means: The page(s) must be short.
With only the necessary parts listed. Everything else on seperate

This is what you will get in the new collection of pages. They will be:

- Close to eathother and easy to navigate through.
- Short and well planned. Old and duplicate stuff will be left out.
- Maximum of about 20 pages, everything included.

All existing pages will be liked to the corresponding pages of the Build guide.

We have new developers who would benefit a lot to see the similarities
between the platforms in the building process.

Exactly why it is so similar, the page needs to be small and the
os-specific parts left out.

For the Windows platform etc. there are several ways of building the
software, and the instructions in its most compact form seem to take up at
least 5-6 pages.

For community builders, there is only one way. Namely using cygwin
(and 4nt is going to be obsoleted/removed completely) anyway. And
virtually any newcomer will build using the personal-edition of the
MS-compiler (available free of charge). And the walkthrough page
(Building OOo on Windows with cygwin) is good for the prerequisites,
but the actual building (running configure and everything afterwards)
should not be part of the actual build instructions. Neither is the
(details of) OOo's source-code management.

When did you start this work, with all these pages, and discussing these issues with the team leads?

Most developers wouldn't mind installing linux for developing OOo
anyway (compiling on linux is way faster than compiling on windows

Okay :-)


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