
How about using SetFile (installed by the developer tools) to set the
creator and file type to excel, and then using the open command?


on 9/8/02 7:57 AM, John Delacour at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This script opens a text file in Excel (in my case a Classic app).
> Is there any way to do the same thing without a hard-code pathname
> for Excel and without Apple Events?
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> $dir = "$ENV{HOME}" ;
> $xl = `osascript -e '
> tell app "Finder" to "" & «class appf» id "XCEL"
> POSIX path of result'` ; chomp $xl ;
> $xl = "'$xl'" ;
> $fout = "$dir/junk.txt" ;
> open FOUT, ">$fout" ;
> print FOUT "A\t1\rB\t2" ;
> close FOUT ;
> `open -a $xl $fout` ;
> JD

Enrique Terrazas, MD, MS
Director, Laboratory Medicine Residency Program,
Assistant Clinical Professor of Clinical Lab Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Room L-521B, Box 0134
415.353.1375(phone)       415.353.1804(fax)

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