On 9/8/02 2:20 PM, "Ward W. Vuillemot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> maybe I should read the docs, but...if I backtick an
> `open /dir/to/msexcel` Excel opens, but the redirect, or `open
> /dir/to/msexcel < $file`` does not work.

Do you really need to use redirection?  If you're trying to just launch
Excel with a certain file, use the "-a" flag:

    open -a /dir/to/msexcel $file

I just did some testing, and it looks like you don't even have to supply the
path to Excel.  Here's exactly what I typed:

    open -a "Microsoft Excel" /tmp/t.txt

If you really want to use redirection, I think you're out of luck.  Either
Excel would have to know the concept of "standard input" (not likely,
especially given that it's a Classic app), or the "open" command will need
to save the input away in a temporary file, then pass that temporary
filename to Excel (then delete the file -- unless the app wants to save

John Labovitz

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