two odd things I have noticed since clean upgrading to OS X 10.2

1. path settings seem to be changed. one examples -- (1) Dan Kogai's 
lifesaving psync sitting under /usr/local/bin is not reachable anymore. 
A quick look at setenv shows that my PATH is just 
/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin so obviously psync will not be reachable 
now from my home directory. Of course, I can add /usr/local/bin to 
PATH, but what curious minds want to know is how did this happen? It 
worked fine earlier, and I don't recall ever adding /usr/local/bin to 
the path... so how did it work earlier? or conversely, why did it break 

2. cpan did something strange -- I fired up cpan and it promptly 
reminded me that I should upgrade cpan itself as well as libnet. I 
dutifully upgraded cpan to 1.63 and reloaded, and then asked it to 
upgrade libnet. Lo and behold... I see cpan is trying to download 11 Mb 
of Perl 5.8.0, not something I asked for. I ctr-c-ed out and it seems 
to have installed libnet ok. Could anyone please reassure me that cpan 
didn't try to go in and screw around with my stock Apple Perl 5.6.0 
install... that is not something I want at all.

many thanks,


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