On Tuesday, September 24, 2002, at 09:53  am, Ric Phillips wrote:
> MS, though  not makers of hardware - to any great extent -
Can you name 1 computer actually made by Microsoft, ever? Or are you 
talking about joysticks?

> Hardware may or may not be an essential part of a platform. Oracles, 
> Sun, and SAP are also 'platform' vendors - in different market sectors.
and you're saying people who buy a Sun computer are consider the OS 
before the hardware?
Do you consider the merits of the stereo system and/or paint job of a 
car before you buy it?

> This is a new platform - not simply an extension of the old Apple 
> platform.
You're right it's an extension of the Next platform, mixed with FreeBSD. 
There's virtually nothing left of the old Mac OS except the name.

> My 'guess' is that most PERL hackers would most likely be living in the
> 'colonies' of Apple's current platform.
Which colony, in which Empire, on which planet are you living in?You do 
know that this is a 'PERL' list don't you?

> If you are one of these frontiersmen, you are most definitely NOT the 
> person the
> current Apple 'platform' was conceived and developed for.
I think you should go and have a look at the apple website - like any 
company, Apple doesn't care who buys its products or for what, just as 
long as they sell, and to aid this they have put lots of small 
enducements into OSX - like why it can have more Windows like behaviour 
for users or network easily with a windows network, or comes with a unix 
disk formatting option and optional unix networking styles, or display 
more Mac like features - hidden internals, no technical knowledge 
required to use programs and no command line with cryptic commands.

But at the end of the day people buy OSX because they need a new 

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