At 18:34 -0600 11/13/02, Puneet Kishor wrote:
Thanks Adam, for a good description of NetPBM. I understand that better now. Seems very similar to ImageMagick (which is also a suite of tools).

I have spent some time looking at PBMPlus at, and reading the NetPBM docs, but I don't see much interfacing with Perl.

If I were using Perl for cgi, what would be the mechanism for interfacing with the NetPBM programs? CPAN did not reveal any packages for use with NetPBM or PBM.
When I did this, I didn't use any Perl-specific interface, I just called them as I would any other external one-shot program, either with system() or with backticks (`command`). Worked fine, but then again, I wasn't too concerned with it being super-fast as long as it worked correctly.


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