Sigh, here is yet another account of making ImageMagick and Perl work.

I just upgraded to 10.2. So I cleaned out my perl installation and installed perl 5.8 (ok, so this is living a bit on the edge).

To get ImageMagick working I did this:

fink install imagemagick-nox

sadly it could not find the .tar.gz file, so I downloaded it and placed it in a directory and reconfigured fink so it would look for files in that directory and tried again:

fink install imagemagick-nox

sadly, this depends on ghostscript which depends on X, so I hacked the .info file:


to replace ghostscript with ghostscript6-nox and tried again:

fink install imagemagick-nox

ok, now imagemagick is installed, off to get it working with perl:

 2) "fink list imagemagick"
 3) Note the version number (n.n.n-n) by the version you have installed.
 4) "cd; mkdir Build; cd Build" (getting to a scratchdir)
 5) "tar xvfz /sw/src/ImageMagick-n.n.n.tar.gz; cd Image*/PerlMagick/"
 5.5) edit Makefile.PL so that
   LIBS begins with -L/sw/lib and INC begins with -I/sw/include
 6) "perl Makefile.PL; make all install"
Did that, but then it was giving me lots of dylb errors for jpeg, tiff, bz2, png, xml2.

So I added -ljpeg -ltiff -lbz2 -lpng -lxml2 to the LIBS in 5.5 above:

make clean; perl Makefile.PL; make all;
sudo rm -rf /Library/Perl/darwin/auto/Image/Magick
sudo make install

and now it seems to be working again.

Hopefully this might save someone a few hours of mucking around.

Looking forward to the day when fink install imagemagick-nox; fink install perlmagick is all that is required...


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