On Friday, November 8, 2002, at 01:48  PM, David Dierauer wrote:

Using Randal's instructions (quoted below my signature) on OS X 10.1.5,
with perl 5.6.1 installed, I get the following when I attempt to test my
installation of PerlMagick:

$ perl -MImage::Magick -e 'print "OK\n"'
dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
#-- 60 additional lines of undefined symbols omitted

Now, I know from reading this mailing list that the "Undefined symbols"
indicate library conflicts, but I'm at a loss to figure out what's
conflicting with what. Any help or suggestions would be greatly

That is the key problem... trying to figure out what librar(y|ies) conflict(s). Afaik, the offending library will in /Library/Perl, something that you installed advertently or inadvertently via cpan. In your case, since you are using fink as well, you might have some under /sw/lib as well. See if the name of errors point you to the name of the library (I was experiencing problems with gd, and I knew that because all the dyld symbol errors started with _gd. Trying locating those libraries using

% find /Library/Perl -name '*.bundle'

or even temporarily mv-ing them somewhere to see if it works. Don't delete anything because you may want to put the working libraries back.

Good luck. Wish Perl had not become binary incompatible. What a pain.


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