On May 8, 2007, at 5:23 PM, Bruce Van Allen wrote:

On 5/7/07 Chris Nandor wrote:
Have you considered a Perl Foundation Grant?

On 5/7/07 Tim Bunce wrote:
Seconded, FWIW.

On 5/8/07 Tom Yarrish wrote:
This just came through on my RSS reader.....

Let's get behind this. Sherm could do some work that moves CB forward,
maybe the ".scriptingbridge" metadata.

I can't send money right now -- I freelance and am also currently in a
trough. But I've done lots of editing and grant-writing, so if you need
that kind of help to tighten up a proposal, let me know.

That would certainly be a help. I've never written a proposal like this before. I'd like to learn, so I'd prefer to write at least the first draft myself, but feedback from someone with experience would be very valuable.

Also, I notice that the Perl Foundation guidelines don't mention letters of support, but if Sherm submits a proposal, letters to vouch for him &
CB would probably help (now Chris, don't auto-bury them ;-).

I think he only does that for Red Sox polls. :-)

I think we can confidently answer the "Benefits to the Perl Community"

That's my biggest concern. CB is mostly of use to the subset of the community who are using Macs, and need to write GUI apps. My concern is whether that's a big enough subset to warrant a grant.

Maybe Apple could make a grant to TPF -- tax-deductible 'n' all --
designated for this project...

I'll ask my sponsor at Apple about it.


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