That sounds like a problem with disk io, not a lack of ram.
Problem is, if there is one fairly technical computer word that
consumers are aware of, its ram, so shops / people who don't really
know what they're talking about suggest a ram upgrade for everything.
I would be willing to put money on the problem going away or not
happening as much if you went from a 5400RPM drive to a 7200RPM or an
SSD, assuming we're talking about a laptop.

On 25/06/2011, CJ Daniel <> wrote:
> Really,
> Have you tried looking through the hundreds of templates in the opening
> screen of Pages?  Every time you arrow to another template image there are
> moments of "Pages Busy," while the VoiceOver tries to process the info.
> And, I've got two gigs of ram.  Disagree wholeheartedly.  The more ram, the
> faster your screen reader will respond.  That's always been my experience,
> despite what the tech's say.
> CJ
> On Jun 25, 2011, at 12:18 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
>> you are being stone walled, I run a major internet hosting operation, it
>> comes down to what are you doing with your machine? if you are doing basic
>> word processing, spread sheets, e-mail, internet, the usual things, iTunes
>> etc etc. then 4Gb is more than enough.
>> yes, if you are going to start loading multiple voice synth files in, then
>> you may wish to look at more, but assuming you opt for one, Alex, the
>> basic Apple voice, which is very good and fine for 99% of users. then 4Gb
>> is more than enough.
>> things like Pages, Numbers, Safari and Mail the four key players of apps,
>> oh and iTunes all use tiny amounts of RAM in real terms, so you are quite
>> literally paying for the RAM to sit there and do nothing.
>> this business of the more the merrier, you're the one who is going to be
>> forking out for all this unutalized RAM, I'm really, very serious about
>> this over purchase, its just not necessary, you will hand on heart notice
>> absolutely no difference whatsoever, and anyone thinking you will just
>> doesn't understand how these things are really put together. its an old
>> wives tail.
>> true in the days when we had 8Mb hard drives and when my cache level on my
>> current machine would make my machine's RAM even 10 years ago, go green
>> with envy, but this is the 21st century, technology is so very much more
>> than the RAM in the machine.
>> save your money, don't forget, you can always easily upgrade RAM later.
>> put it in one final other way, we have some 76,000 servers running,
>> roughly, most of these have between 16Gb and 64Gb of RAM, but these are
>> handling hundreds of clients at any one time, and serving up web pages and
>> e-mail to millions.
>> the most strenuous task you are going to do is to ask your machine to tab
>> between several running applications at the same time, and 4Gb of RAM is
>> more than enough to achieve this at far higher speeds than your fingers
>> can press the buttons to achieve the goal.
>> I've said my bit, more than my bit, this is not so much a twopence worth,
>> as more my wealth of experience and knowledge in this industry, you are
>> wasting your money over 4Gb, do not buy less though.
>> *Note*, this is advice aimed at regular users, if you are about to start
>> mixing up the decks, or creating your very own commercial home movies,
>> then lets re-think, but Minister Miller, assuming this is a divinity
>> related title, if the most you are doing is the odd e-mail, the odd
>> Surinam for Sunday service, and a like, then seriously, 4Gb... hum, on
>> second thoughts, is God on WiFi, you might need an extra WiFi base
>> station... :) grin.
>> Regards,
>> Neil Barnfather
>> Talks List Administrator
>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
>> URL: -
>> e-mail: -
>> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
>> On 25 Jun 2011, at 05:24, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
>> Okay, I am still on a few windows screen readers lists, since I teach a
>> few basic classes about JFW and know a lot about the windows side of
>> things.  Anyways, someone said on this list that the average blind user
>> needs no more than 4 gigs of ram, at best anything over 8 would be a
>> waste.  I'm no exburt, but I have done a little research, and googling and
>> have found that the more  ram you have, the smoother your system will run,
>> mac or PC.  This person seem to think even if you had a fast processor,
>> that spending money on ram was a waste.  Now I will admitt, that apple is
>> a little pricy when it comes to ram, but there are third party sellers out
>> there with compatible memory for just about any system.  Thoughts?  Oh, 1
>> more thing this person said, that the only way more than 4 gigs would be
>> necessary is if you were doing some high quality video or audio editing.
>> What do you all think or know about these numbers and comments?
>> Sent from Minister Miller's IPhone
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