> This thread is pretty funny. Nokia tests 1 version of gtk with different
> versions of pango and suddenly people say that *different* versions of
> gtk were tested and jump to conclusions....

<ironic>Reading-Knowledge is an advantage ;)
But I never expect some of the gtk-diehards to tlisten any criticism
since GTK is that wonderful and if something is not ok everybody is
able to fix it themself.
Furthermore if its really that slow anybody else would have fixed it before.

Who said that different versios of GTK were *tested*. there was just
sereral mails which claimed that their autors are not happy with GTK
performance and since I am too disappointed by GTK-2.x speed I wrote
my opinion down.
By the way GTK-1 was not pango powered so these tests would be pretty useless ;)

lg Clemens
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