>Isn't the '550 no user here' a good enough indication of this is not my 

It's not my account, but it is my e-mail address.

My gmail address is my name, and every once in a while someone else
with a name similar to mine signs up for something and gives them my
address with predictably annoying consequences.  It is really
impressive how persistent some of them are, e.g., a guy in Michigan
who insisted for several days that I was his brother.

I don't want to close the account, but it sure would be nice if the
confirmation messages had a "not me" button.  As it is, some of them I
can do password recovery and close the account, some of them I argue
with people saying no, I'm not the guy they're looking for (for one
particularly persistent psychiatrist near Boston who kept signing me
up for brokers that arrange hospital shifts, I got to the point that I
was telling them he was dead), and a lot just gets reported as spam a
few times until I stop seeing it.


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