> On Aug 1, 2017, at 2:26 PM, Brett Schenker <bhschen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone have a good suggestion to research domain reputation? IP ratings are 
> easy, but domain seems to be much more difficult (there's one or two go tos 
> for me).

When I’m looking into domain reputation I look for answers to the following 

* Where is this domain used? 
* What types of mail does it show up in?
* What does the website look like if I go to the bare URL?
* What does the whois record look like?
* What does the SPF record look like?
* Does this company have an affiliate program?
* Does this company have an easy to find signup link on their website?
* Is this domain listed on any of the domain based blocklists?

There are some other questions I ask and specifics that I look at, but I can’t 
share all my secrets publicly.


> On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 5:09 PM, Laura Atkins <la...@wordtothewise.com 
> <mailto:la...@wordtothewise.com>> wrote:
>> On Aug 1, 2017, at 1:48 PM, Paul Witting <paul.witt...@bisglobal.com 
>> <mailto:paul.witt...@bisglobal.com>> wrote:
>> Anyone from Gmail here? Hopefully I’m not off topic. 
>> CEO was complaining about mail not getting to clients (not mail campaigns, 
>> just day to day business). He sent a simple Subject: Test w/ Body Test (+ 
>> signature) to his personal Gmail account and Gmail flagged it as spam based 
>> on “content”. I duplicated it sending from my own account to my own account 
>> (even included his signature) and it came through to my inbox, no issues. . 
>> SPF and DMARC both passed on the original message. How is the message he 
>> sends getting flagged as spam while the identical message I send gets right 
>> through. 
> Gestalt filtering. https://wordtothewise.com/2017/06/filtering-by-gestalt/ 
> <https://wordtothewise.com/2017/06/filtering-by-gestalt/>
> In more modern filtering, particularly at Gmail, scoring is dynamic. There 
> are still rules and they still assign scores. But the scores themselves can 
> be modified by other scores in the process. It’s not a simple sum of scores 
> so changing anything can change the overall status of a message.
> Take two identical messages and two IP addresses one with an arbitrary 
> reputation of 5 and another with an arbitrary reputation of 10. By the score 
> and sum method, the final email reputation scores would be message+5 and 
> message+10. With relative scoring, though, the IP reputations might turn out 
> to be 2 and 13.
> There’s also a big piece of individual filtering there - if you send from 
> your account to your account with any sort of regularity, then that pattern 
> will affect how mail from you, to you is delivered outside of whatever 
> filtering there is. I’ve had to stop using my “main” gmail account for tests 
> and go to a new one because Gmail figured out I regularly send from @wttw to 
> @gmail and has prioritized that mail into the inbox. If I send to a different 
> @gmail account, it goes to bulk. 
> With the symptoms you describe, however, I’d look hard at the domain 
> reputation.
> laura 
> -- 
> Having an Email Crisis?  800 823-9674 <tel:(800)%20823-9674> 
> Laura Atkins
> Word to the Wise
> la...@wordtothewise.com <mailto:la...@wordtothewise.com>
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> Brett Schenker
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Laura Atkins
Word to the Wise
(650) 437-0741          

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