On 14 Oct 2019, at 14:30, Nick via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> If an ip address in the range is held by a legitimate mailer, you're
> saying the legitimate mailer will be evicted to make way for the
> spammer?  Does that really happen?

No; but if you don't get any email from the 'legitimate' sender then your only 
signal is that from the neighbours. If a large percentage of them have a signal 
which is 'poor' (FSVO 'poor') then the inference is that the whole block is 
poisonous, and you bin it (or put mail from it in the junk folder).

For 'small' operations, the visibility of the entire block is likely to be 
missing chunks. At Google's scale, they can see the entire operator as a single 
entity and make decisions based on that.

Even we (at $workplace) have automation in place which responds to netblocks 
which go rogue and spew junk/invalid RCPT and so on, and we're a drop in the 
ocean compared to the 500lb gorillas like Google.

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