On Thu, 21 Jan 2021 at 18:16, Jim Popovitch via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> > Maybe you'll grasp the issue only when they will list Ramnode :-)
> > Or maybe you'll be happy to pay or to move to another ASN until they catch 
> > up...
> You seem to be under the assumption that uceprotect is just looking for
> providers to list.  I think, and I know, that Ramnode is a responsible
> hosting provider.  They take abuse report seriously, and act swiftly.
> If you read the details about the ASNs that uceprotect list, it's clear
> that those ASNs do not.

No assumptions here:
"ATTENTION Increased Listingrisk"

OVH was in "ATTENTION Increassed Listingrisk" until UCEPROTECT lowered
10 fold their thresholds, so I wouldn't bet you are safe there.
Let's say you chose an almost shady provider :-)

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