Added to Global Suppression List.


Simon Luger

sendeffect - mehr erreichen

WEBanizer AG
Schulgasse 5
84359 Simbach am Inn
Telefon: +49 (0) 8571 - 97 39 690

Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Landshut HRB 5177 | Ust. ID.: DE 2068 62 070 
WEBanizer AG

Vorstand: Ottmar Neuburger
Aufsichtsrat: Tobias Neuburger

> Am 10.05.2022 um 10:29 schrieb Jarland Donnell via mailop <>:
> I need these two email addresses removed from EVERY newsletter on EVERY 
> platform:
> Sendinblue, Mailjet, SES, ActiveCampaign, and every other company that fits 
> in a category with these companies. I know there are representatives in this 
> mailing list. I am so sick and tired of reporting every single spam email and 
> maybe, just maybe, I get removed from one newsletter a week. I was 
> maliciously attacked, my inboxes registered for an ungodly amount of mailing 
> lists that did not use any kind of double opt in standards. These mailing 
> lists are all supported by the companies mentioned. I am done with single 
> reports and mostly being ignored. I need representatives from these companies 
> to push a message up the chain: Find EVERY mailing list with these two emails 
> in them and REMOVE them.
> Thank you, and apologies for the time wasted by anyone else who took a moment 
> to read this.
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