Am 22.06.23 um 06:52 schrieb Matt Harris via mailop:

On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 6:11 PM Sebastian Nielsen via mailop 
<> wrote:

    >>The RFC forbids doing that, and I argued against it

    The RFC and reality is two different things. If a client don't want to 
retry, I think they are free to choose to
    not retry.

This is a terrible take, imho. It's anathema to building standards-compliant and hence interoperable systems that allow the internet as a whole to function correctly while each of us make different choices in terms of providers, hardware, and software to use.

Sometimes deviating from RFCs may be necessary to ensure stable and safe operations, because the RFC authors did not foresee all circumstances and every way malicious parties could try to exploit the system.

However, as soon as you deviate from the RFCs you must accept responsibility for the resulting effects on legitimate use. If SendGrid decides to react in a non-standard way to 4xx SMTP responses, they are fully responsible for lost tickets, order and invoice information etc. that might have been sent through their service.

For newsletters and promotional mail this is entirely acceptable. For transactional mail with actual value and legal weight, not so much.

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