At 10:39 PM 7/14/98 +0000, Yvan Nadeau wrote:
>The problem about email is that it induces action rather than 
>reflection.  I think I shall give it up.  

I'm not sure it's any worse than conversation in that regard, but I think
Yvan's right about the epic/panegyric distinction: it probably didn't
exist. T. C. Donatus thinks the best way to explain the Aeneid is as
sustained piece of epideictic rhetoric. Servius thinks that Virgil's
intention was to imitate Homer and praise Augustus through his ancestors.
Both commentators postdate Virgil by a few centuries, but they were closer
to the world of ancient literary criticism than we are.

David Wilson-Okamura         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Chicago    Online Virgil discussion, bibliography & links
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