Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 15:31:24 +0200
From: "Jorge Fernandez Lopez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>At 10:39 PM 7/14/98 +0000, Yvan Nadeau wrote:
>>The problem about email is that it induces action rather than
>>reflection.  I think I shall give it up.
>I'm not sure it's any worse than conversation in that regard, but I think
>Yvan's right about the epic/panegyric distinction: it probably didn't
>exist. T. C. Donatus thinks the best way to explain the Aeneid is as
>sustained piece of epideictic rhetoric. Servius thinks that Virgil's
>intention was to imitate Homer and praise Augustus through his ancestors.
>Both commentators postdate Virgil by a few centuries, but they were closer
>to the world of ancient literary criticism than we are.

Just a comment:
Though Donatus and Servius were temporally closer to Virgil, maybe such
closeness prevented them from examinating Virgil with a certain
perspective; and they were no doubt biased by the identification
literature=rhetoric that made them conceive any written work as something
classified within the frame of rhetorical categories.

 Dr. Jorge Fernandez Lopez
 Departamento de Filologias Hispanica y Clasicas
 Ciguena, 60
 Universidad de La Rioja
 26005 Logrono (SPAIN)

 Tel. (34) 941 299407
 Fax  (34) 941 299419
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