luiz wrote (10-05-11 14:24)

Hi all,

First sorry: I only read some parts of the thread.
At some moments I have the impression that choices that people are making / directions they start to work in, are a bit vigorous, partly based on what they think that others mean. Rather than on full understanding, or even better: on a feeling of mutual interest.

I might be wrong, but if there is some of it in this discussion, would it be possible to consider this careful? We are not in a position that things have to be sorted out immediately, are we? So a few days won't hurt anyone. Misunderstanding might well harm. I am all for finding out what unites first, and from that position look to what is different and needs to be handled appropriate.

Maybe this is easy to say for a cool blooded western European ;-) but anyhow, I really wanted to share this.

Kind regards,

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