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A.R. G wrote

   Without weighing in on the merits of voting for neocon Clinton, I don't
   think that is the gist of the argument. The argument is not that she
   is the
   lesser evil. It is that she is *considerably less evil* than her
   The argument is that Donald Trump is far, far worse than Clinton, as
   opposed to say, Romney and Obama or McCain and Obama. In those
   years, many
   on the left foolishly backed Obama at the expense of building any
   kind of
   counterhegemonic pole by exaggerating the differences between Obama
   and his
Let's say we pretend for a moment. Let's say we're the egregiously over-paid freaks in the capital grounds who for years have honed their wits doing the deep thinking about these things. They might say, well, we think they're getting on to us. It's all becoming so transparent that even kids in the playground are on to it. We need a REAL obfuscation this time. We once had the Hollywood second-rate movie actor who though past it and well on the way to terminal Alzheimers could still peddle crap like he did for General Electric tv ads and on the silver screen for eight years, about welfare queens, the war on drugs and supply side economics; we have had aw shucks drawling Bill and welfare as we know it, NAFTA, the ending of fig-leaf banking regulation and the blue dress for eight years; we've had the snuggle bunny, befuddled George W. Bush, 'Homeland Security,' gutting the Bill of Rights, 'mission accomplished', failed states and concealed body counts for another eight years; we've had a black dude who was the perfect foil for another eight years, the first 'person of color' and Harvard Law Review editor and social worker with the comely family and no political tracks behind him who from the time he came out of the band box has been entirely in our side pocket, could be counted on to continue where Bush and Cheny left off, and left the voters misty-eyed - - so that we could lie and cheat and steal the be jabbers out of the big fat sovereign entity enchilada US treasury from one friggin eight year stint to the next - and counting? NOW what do we do? Why, of course, the 'You're fired' guy on tv, he has said for years that he wanted to be president. Let's put him up against the Hill, fill his tender ego so full it spews from his mouth like three-day old vomit, Hillary, the first woman president, although there have been 58 female leaders of their nations elsewhere and no big deal by now, will surely beat the side-show joker and give us as her track record incontrovertibly demonstrates everything we want and more, all the way back to the White House laughing off the 'but-wait-a-minute,' incredulous, gulled voter. And we'll leave all those poor, deluded slobs wringing their hands, as they do every four years, over this yet even more impossible contest between the two most despised of two 'lesser evils', and pondering with great heaves and hos of thought over how they will use their vote, which is virtually the only remaining, pitifully small vestige of what may have once been slightly more credibly called a 'democracy,' and which in better times to come if we squint enough at the distant imponderables might be defined at a minimum as controlling one's own destiny, more accurately as moving ever closer to substantive equality And so we'll 9the WE that counts, that is, continue our journey with our paymasters and if we hedge our bets right, us, with still impossibly more of the swag. Of course.

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