On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 10:03 PM, Paul Ivanov <p...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
> 1. C
> 2. B
> 3. A
> But I wouldn't call them aesthetic - the purple in there just looks off -
> I'd prefer something like hot, afmhot, or gist_heat - or variations on
> those.

It turns out that it's very difficult to go ~blue to anything like a
red to ~white/yellow, while keeping to our other constraints
(perceptual uniformity in both color and black-and-white). The problem
is that red is way off in a corner of the sRGB color space --
basically anything near red but brighter takes you outside of sRGB.
But you *must* get brighter at a constant rate, while you can only
move away from the corner at a fixed speed, so you tend to

That said, if you want to play around with the editor tool, it's
linked on the webpage :-). Drag to move spline control points,
shift-click to add a control point, control-click to delete a control
point, bottom bars let you set the min/max lightness, and click the
colormap on the side to select which hue/saturation slice of color
space you want the left pane to show. (The game is to keep the yellow
dot inside the slice.) If it starts acting weird try tapping your
modifier keys, sometimes that fixes things.

> Since this thread is bound to get plenty of attention (I suggest getting
> feedback from -users, too), we would be remiss if we didn't point those who
> didn't already see the writeup of colormaps that  Kristen Thyng and
> colleagues did in the docs [1]. Also, I added a pointer to this thread over
> on #875 [2].
> 1. http://matplotlib.org/users/colormaps.html
> 2. https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/875

I'm not on -users, but please do distribute the link far and wide to
whoever you think might be interested! With, again, major bonus points
for feedback on colorblindness-friendliness and readability under
adverse display conditions like lousy projectors, since IMO at this
point they're all pretty decent when viewed under optimal conditions.


Nathaniel J. Smith -- http://vorpus.org

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