I've experienced many of the same problems on Mac OS X 10.6.3 (Snow 
Leopard).  I have python/scipy/numpy/matplotlib/ipython all installed 
via Macports.  I found the MacOSX backend to work OK, but I could not 
save a figure through the GUI.  I finally have the WXagg backend 
working, but that required installed WXPython with the gtk/X11 backend.


On 5/25/10 13:19 , matplotlib-users-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net wrote:
> Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 12:58:49 -0600
> From: Daniel Welling<dantwell...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [Matplotlib-users] Mac backend problems for nearly all
>       backends.
> To:matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Message-ID:
>       <aanlktikidymkiv6ltckwgbhnehrd5ywqpsin9ouny...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Greetings.
> I did quite a bit of digging on this and cannot find similar problems, but
> if I did miss an earlier discussion, then I apologize.
> In any case, I have been having royal problems with GUI backends and
> matplotlib.
> Some background on where I've been having these problems:
> Machine 1: OSX 10.5.8 G5 PPC
> Machine 2: OSX 10.5.7 Macbook pro/Intel
> Code versions: python 2.5.4, Numpy 1.3.0, Scipy 0.7.0 (all obtained through
> fink.)
> MPL versions: 99.0.1 and 99.1.1 (Older obtained through fink, newer
> installed from source.)
> Compilers: gcc/g++ 4.0.1/Mac.
> Here are the issues; behavior is consistent on both machines:
> MacOSX backend: Loads plots quickly, but when I try to save, I cannot type
> in the file name area of the save file dialog.  Furthermore, with ipython, I
> can continue to use the ipython prompt up until the I shut the plot window.
> ipython then freezes until I control-c it.  This occurs in both versions.
> TkAgg backend: In 99.0.1, this works fine.  However, it is slow, hence my
> want for a different working backend.  in 99.1.1, the plot window opens but
> the picture is never drawn.  After a moment, segfault back to the x11
> prompt.  Blerg.
> I've tried nearly all of the GUI tool kits, but ran into some problem:
> GtkAgg: Bad color (e.g. the background is pink rather than gray, color
> tables are way goofed up.  Writes to file fine.)
> GtkCairo: looks great, crashes ipython on resize.
> Wx: color issues, not stable.
> Qt: installs from fink, but won't load.
> Fltk: Couldn't get it to install via fink; can't remember why.
> In any case, it's not the Gtk/Qt/Wx problems that are important, it's the
> OSX backend issue.  Others whom I work with do not have this issue, but
> installed using the EPD.
> Has anyone else experienced such problems?  Anyone know possible fixes?
> Given that this occurs on two different machines with two different MPL
> versions (a total of 4 combinations), I'm guessing it's my fault somehow.
> Thanks for your help; let me know if there's more info I can provide.


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