Jonathan Stickel wrote:
> I've experienced many of the same problems on Mac OS X 10.6.3 (Snow 
> Leopard).  I have python/scipy/numpy/matplotlib/ipython all installed 
> via Macports.

Just to be clear -- this sounds like a MacPorts problem, not necessarily 
an OS-X problem.

>  I finally have the WXagg backend 
> working, but that required installed WXPython with the gtk/X11 backend.

Does MacPorts not allow a native wx? Maybe becasue you're running 64 bit?

Anyway, I guess that's why I don't use macports for python.

>> In any case, I have been having royal problems with GUI backends and
>> matplotlib.
>> Some background on where I've been having these problems:
>> Machine 1: OSX 10.5.8 G5 PPC

That's what I've been running, and I've had no real issues (Haven't 
tried the OS-X back-end) -- but I'm using the python.

>> Machine 2: OSX 10.5.7 Macbook pro/Intel
>> Code versions: python 2.5.4, Numpy 1.3.0, Scipy 0.7.0 (all obtained through
>> fink.)

OK -- then a fink issue, rather than a Macports one -- same idea, though.

My impression is that neither fink nor macports do well with Mac GUI 
stuff -- unless you're talking X11.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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