Lets get one thing perfectly clear. This list does have a list owner who does enforce the rules. The rules here are not as anal retentive as another list that is out there. Flaming will not be tolerated, period. Jaime is a very strange dude and gets offended easy for whatever reason. Sorry he is gone, but that is that, whatever. Gary is often misunderstood and I am SURE he will not be doing any flaming. If it does continue, proper steps will be taken. Now, lets get back to our normal discussions.

Gerry Archer wrote:
I've been off and on the list since it was based in Canada, Walt.
Dr. Booth (mhsrip) was the "critisizer in chief" and his legacy has
been a custom of blunt criticism when someone was judged to be
Dr. Booth was seldom wrong, but those who follow his custom
sometimes are, and then the arguments begin.
There are a few on this list who know Mercedes and how to fix them
better than most, and there are others who have more esoteric opinions.
I've learned a lot on this list about fixing my Mercedes, but I seldom
post anything but questions since I don't like to argue.
In my experience, this list isn't much different than any other popular open list on the 'net that doesn't have an active list owner who enforces list rules. If I were an active contributor to this list I would have a "very" thick skin, never apologize for anything I wrote, and if I were attacked; my reply would
not be an apology, but rather a simply explanation of my position.
IMO life is too short to indulge in meaningless attack and counterattack.
Therefore, I just read, learn, and ask questions when necessary.
Hope this helps you understand what's going on, Walt.

Gerry...age 81...back to reading and learning.

From: "Walt Zarnoch" <zarnoch...@gmail.com>
I don't think I perrsonally drove anyone away.
I rarely intervene in the general flow of the list, and what little I do say is usualy looking for tidbits of information to help with my project, or a
reply to an off-topic discussion.
I guess I slipped up by giving an opinion about the double pane window
thing, but that is hardly a reason for anyone to fly off the handle.
I have no personal issue with anyone here, I understand we all have a
difference in opinion, and that is a good thing.
I just can't see why this is going on right now.

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