I knew this guy in Houston who lived in a small compound next to his brother and some other like-minded souls (and their women wore homemade clothes and such), who in anticipation of the Y2k Apocalypse, installed a large diesel generator with a coupla those big plastic tank/wire frame totes of diesel fuel. I think they had 2000gal, in maybe 4 totes? Anyway, a few months after the nonpocalypse I went in Brunnhilde to his house to consult on some matter, and he tried to get me to buy a tote or two of diesel fuel to use in the car as they acknowledged the futility of the mission.

Aside from the logistical aspects of hauling these things to my house, then facing the domestic apocalypse of having them in the driveway or back yard for the next 5 years, I just wanted to get far away from the compound lest I be shanghaied into it in some dark fashion.

Those folks were truly creepy.


On 10/12/11 3:14 PM, Allan Streib wrote:
On Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:05 PM, "Dan Penoff"<lwb...@yahoo.com>  wrote:

The definition of standby service uses the phrase "for the duration of
the outage."

No time frame is specified.
But one is assumed... most people don't put 10,000 gallon fuel tanks
on their standby generators to cover the case of the power being out
for a year.

1983 300D
1979 300SD

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