Can you expand on what you mean by mounting frame?

It has a sliding wiper track on the side for the ashtray proper
to contact, and has two screws that hold it in.  It plugs in to
the car's wiring harness.  I thought I remembered that you'd said
it was also missing, but it sounds like that's not right.

Or am I correct in assuming that if I get the unit that pulls out by
depressing the metal tab, I have gotten all that I need, and I can simply
place it in, and the lighter should be operational provided none of the
electric circuit has been altered?

Sounds right.  Use a meter to see if the metal track (or is it a
tab that hits a track on the ashtray?) is 'hot' with the key on.

You need to be sure you get the right ashtray, is your interior
wood-faced or plastic?

-- Jim

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