On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 16:16 +0100, Jeremy Keith wrote:
> <span class="dtstart">
> On <abbr class="value" title="2008-06-30">June 30th</abbr>
> at <abbr class="value" title="09:00">9.00am</abbr>
> </span>

Yes Jeremy I like this idea but...

its this bit I am having difficulty with 

On <abbr class="value" title="2008-06-30">June 30th</abbr>
at <abbr class="value" title="09:00">9.00am</abbr>

semantically on their own the above does not mean much nothing at all
really, search engines, parsers, things that index dates and times,
would have to peek at the parent to find out what the actual values are

this is why I preferred the previous example because on their own
without a container class...

<abbr class="date" title="2008-06-30">June 30th</abbr>
<abbr class="time" title="09:00">9.00am</abbr>

you can even have (from hcard)

<abbr class="tz" title="+0100">+1 GMT</abbr>

each of the above three properties can be easily parsed and understood
by "machines" and not too heavy on the cognitive load for humans

I don't think the above suggestions are anything ground breaking or new
just a natural expansion of the current design pattern. 


Martin McEvoy

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