Martin McEvoy wrote:
semantically on their own the above does not mean much nothing at all
really, search engines, parsers, things that index dates and times,
would have to peek at the parent to find out what the actual values are

But that's true already of any instance of the value class name. Parsers and spiders already have to perform look-ahead searches for any elements with a class of "value" wherever they come across any microformat class names (summary, location, fn ...everything basically).

I should probably add links to those pages from:

Anyway, my point is that search engines and spiders already need to perform this look ahead if they are extracting microformats. If they are just searching for dates and times, then you're right, the class name "value" by itself doesn't say much (although the presence of hyphens or colons says everything) but I'm not aware of any spiders that are indexing datetime information outside of the context of events.

I don't think the above suggestions are anything ground breaking or new
just a natural expansion of the current design pattern.

I think that, where possible, we should avoid thinking up new class names. Sometimes it's unavoidable but in this case, we can reuse an existing pattern.



Jeremy Keith

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