On 19 Oct 2016, at 16:57, Anil Madhavapeddy <a...@recoil.org> wrote:
> On 19 Oct 2016, at 10:56, Martin Lucina <mar...@lucina.net> wrote:
>> On Friday, 14.10.2016 at 11:29, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
>>> Good news everyone! The experimental documentation repository at 
>>> http://docs.mirage.io now builds again, and has been refreshed to the 
>>> latest set of libraries assembled from the MirageOS3 dev remote at 
>>> https://github.com/mirage/mirage-dev
>> Some ideas for UX improvements to the docs pages:
>> 1) Hyperlinks on types. Eg. in functoria/Functoria_app.Cmd.html
>> "Rresult.result" should link to rresult/Rresult.html.
>> 2) A "Path" nagivation header with the full hierarchy. E.g.
>> rresult/Result.html currently has "Up", which takes me to the package's
>> index.page but I can't go "Up" from there.
>> 3) A "Search" box of some sort. Ideally just client-side, search over
>> packages/modules/types/descriptions?
> Thanks Martin! I've updated the tracking issue at 
> https://github.com/mirage/mirage/issues/609 and filed a couple of upstream 
> issues on odig about this.

http://docs.mirage.io is now rebuilding again after the latest set of library 
merges and API changes.  There is some temporary breakage in the odoc CSS that 
Thomas Refis and Daniel Bunzli are working on, so just use the ocamldoc version 
for now.

> I'm not quite sure who will handle search across cmt files yet.  Is this on 
> the roadmap or want-list for Merlin? (this question is mainly directed at 
> Fred or Gemma, who have been looking at the Merlin feature roadmap recently).

And looking at search more, I'm reasonably sure that this won't happen in the 
short term for docs.mirage.io in odoc -- we should be looking at some Merlin or 
Hoogle-like solution.


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