On 10/08/13 22:35, Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
My favourite O/S is also OpenBSD. Theo and his guys protect the world. so
they are naturally protected.

Almost, but not quite.

Theo actually has a devoted core of followers around the globe, highly trained in gung-fu, krav maga, and ninjitsu. They fight to kill.

Meetings take place on a secret, members-only OpenBSD-powered web server. One word, and a problem can be "solved", anywhere, any time. Or so I hear...

So yes, he and his fellow devs are protected, while they protect the world.

Scott McEachern


"Beware the Four Horsemen of the Information Apocalypse: terrorists, drug dealers, 
kidnappers, and child pornographers. Seems like you can scare any public into allowing 
the government to do anything with those four."  -- Bruce Schneier

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