Stefan Sperling said:
> Bad idea. See my other post. Apple did this and broke existing applications.

OpenBSD changed time_t and broke existing applications, but hardly
anyone thinks it was a bad idea.  Fancy filenames are long known to be
problematic, so filename policy enforcement is a breakage of the same
sort.  Apple have taken the lead here, and they may eventually do the
same thing to industry as OpenBSD did by changing time_t.

FWIW now it is rather safe to normalize filenames now, as related
problems are already being solved due to breakages on OSX.

Although I might be missing something, an additional function which
takes desired filename and outputs normalized filename could probably
solve this problem on applications' side.  Such function, be it
implemented in libc, could even allow system administrators enforce
local file naming preference as system-wide policy.

P.S.:  I don't actually propose to implement filename normalization in
OpenBSD right now.  I've merely thrown this idea to generate potentially
fruitful discussion.  Don't mistake it for feature request or demand of
some kind.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

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