Am 02/18/15 um 16:27 schrieb Alan Corey:
> This is probably unrelated but I've noticed that the fetching that
> happens with "make install" in ports seems less robust than it used to
> be.  If my internet provider disconnects or the connection gets reset
> beyond that, it doesn't resume the download.  And I've tried setting
> FETCH_CMD to wget -c, it doesn't help much (in 5.6, that's what I have
> my 5.2 machine set to).
> So I do a make install, wait until I've got a working URL, then ctrl-c
> to stop it, copy the url, open another rxvt in the distfiles dir, type
> wget, paste the URL.  wget very rarely fails.
> I've got portsql installed and was able to make myself some partial
> fetchlists from that but my query didn't find dependencies of
> dependencies.  A scratch install of 5.6 still took a couple months.
> On 2/18/15, <> wrote:
> <chopped many K>
> Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

Oh dear ... "a couple of month" for a scratch install??? Why don't you
just take the CD from the shelf? I'd rather stay with stable than
fiddling for month.

You see - reconneting 10~15 times while pkg_add -ui updates my installed
packages is a major annoyance, but actually I am done on a slow
hotel-WLAN within 3~4 hours. It can be achieved if there is
interesting on TV. At home with a modest fast line I am done within 30
minutes or so and my system runs with the latest current-amd64.

What bothers me most is that I just can't figure out _why_ the
connection gets lost...

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