> >Because the kernel cannot know what memory it should leave untouched,
> >to use such BIOS functions.
> Why not? I understand that there is some degree of variance amongst BIOS
> uaage of memory but the upper bounds seem to be clearly defined (if I am not
> misinformed). And surely it would be possible to make decisions based on the
> BIOS detected.

Good luck with that.  Looking forward to you providing code which solves
the problem.

> >Also, BIOS functions are traditionally coded only powerful enough bootup
> style operation.
> I'm not sure what you mean by 'powerful enough'.

I continued on to explain it in more detail.

> >Their primitives simply
> >are not powerful enough to match the concurrency, locking, memory mapping,
> >etc needs of the kernel.  Especially the concurrency - most use poll-style
> >operations.  Nothing else would happen at the same time.
> OK. I think I see what you are saying here. I certainly agree that the end
> goal is get things up and running properly. That's why I asked if this
> feature was available. To provide the user who has just installed with a
> stepping stone to achieve that goal.

I explained it is not possible.

> The more I look into this the more I start to think that I wasn't being
> extreme enough when I decided it would be easier to build my OS than play
> around with everyone else's. It now seems what I should have decided was to
> build my own hardware and then after that the OS design would be a far
> simpler affair.

Well there you go.  Get to it.  See you in 10 years.

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