On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 03:06:29PM +0200, Markus Rosjat wrote:

So my question is, is there some source that you could use to  train
these kind of tools (like a database that you could connect to for
training conntent ) or is every one here, that uses these tools, lucky
enough to have a shit load of users that do the training for your systems?

some informations about this would be helpful

As far as I understand it, the bayesnian lerning system learns stuff
pertinent to your domain, so you have to train it. Spam at one domain
might not be spam at another.

My system has only a few email addresses, but I keep all my spam. I
make sa-learn --spam read the spam, and sa-learn --ham the stuff I've
filtered and examined that they are all not-spam. It doesn't take


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